One dies another injured in road accident

CHITWAN, SEP 22 - A cyclist died and the pillion rider was injured due to a tipper -hit at Chainpur Khairhani-4 along the East-West Highway in the district on Monday.
The accident happened when a tipper (Na 2 Kha 5145) heading to Naryangadh from Hetauda hit the cyclists at the place. The deceased has been identified as Hemnath Acharya, 57, of Khairhani.
The injured pillion rider, Sushmita Acharya, 21, who is described to be in a critical condition, is undergoing treatment at the College of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur in the district. Prior to this, the agitated locals obstructed the highway in protest.

Visually-impaired girl ‘raped’ in hostel 14-yr-old assaulted by gang

POKHARA, SEP 19 - A 17-year-old visually-impaired girl has allegedly been rape d by her hostel warden in Lekhnath Municipality, Kaski.
Warden Dandapani Dhakal, the victim claimed, took her into a guestroom of the Bhandardhik-based hostel and assaulted her on September 4. The incident came to light as the victim shared her ordeal with her friend days after the incident.
The District Police Office in Kaski on Wednesday arrested 47-year-old Dhakal, a teacher at Janaprakash Higher Secondary School, as per the complaint lodged by the girl on Tuesday. Police said the accused is remanded in custody and they are investigating the incident.

According to the victim, she went home soon after the incident to tell her mother about it, but she could not. She ultimately came out of the hostel on the pretext of taking a notebook from her friend and lodged the complaint with the police with the help of women rights activists.
She said Dhakal sexually abused her in the past as well. She informed that the perpetrator warned her of dire consequences if she disclosed the matter. The 11th grader, along with other 28 visually impaired students, was staying in the hostel for the past one month.
14-yr-old assaulted by gang
DANG: A 14-year-old girl of Sonpur was gang- rape d in a forest near Arnahawa on Monday. In a complaint lodged at Ward Police Office, Lamahi on Thursday, the victim claimed that two motorcycle-borne men took her from Lamahi to a nearby forest and committed the crime. She said one Ramkali Dangi Bhattarai of Sonpur-5 had taken her to Lamahi promising her a good job in Butwal. Police arrested Ramkali on human trafficking charge as she was found taking the girl to Lamahi without the consent of her family. Police said they are yet to identify the accused.(PR)

No ticket to ride home Plaints abound over ticket unavailability for Dashain

-KATHMANDU, SEP 20 - It is barely six in the morning at Gongabu Bus Park. Thirty-eight-year old Kamala Kharel stands next to a ticket counter, hoping to somehow buy a bus ticket to Dhangadi. She wishes to visit her hometown to celebrate Dashain with her family, which she has been doing every year. This year, though, she may not get the bus ticket. She has already been told that all the tickets have been sold out.
Kamala, however, hopes the case may not be so, that maybe she will get the ticket if she waited longer. She is not the only one waiting grim-faced for a lucky turn of events. Many people have been visiting the ticket counters at Bus Park, enquiring if there are any seats available.
The advance booking system launched in view of the approaching festivals has hundreds of passengers worried that they will be unable to visit their families during Dashain festivals this year.
According to Metropolitan Traffic Police Division, the tickets were already booked within a week from the day the booking started on August 10.
Till date, more than 120,930 tickets have been booked from September 25 (Ghatasthapana) to October 2 (Mahasthami); around 600,000 people have already left the Capital city to celebrate Dashain with their loved ones.
 The Department Of Transport Management (DoTM) estimates that 1.5 million people will be leaving the Kathmandu Valley for Dashain this year. Around 5,000 public vehicles leave for outer districts from Kathmandu everyday. To accommodate the growing number of people wanting to visit their homes during the festival, DoTM plans to add around 1,500 public buses this time. Eight hundred buses were added last year.
 “We are planning to repair and run as many buses as possible, and we will also be using local vehicles running within the valley to serve the long distance-passengers,” says Sarad Adhikari, the technical director of DoTM.
But some people say that adding extra vehicles is not going to solve the problem. They claim the bus operators are selling tickets in higher prices saying that there are only limited seats available. Sambhu Kumar Shah recently booked a bus ticket to Janakpur for Rs 1,200, nearly two times the actual fare.
“Getting that ticket would not have been possible had I not contacted this person who had been selling tickets charging high rates. Before I ran into this man, every ticket counter I visited told me that they had no ticket available,” says Shah.
 Although the government has established  peoples’ help desk at 11 places in the Valley to monitor the ticket sales and help the passengers, people are still complaining that they are being forced to buy tickets at higher prices.
Kamal Thapa, the inspector at Thankot Traffic Police Office, says they receive more than 100 complaints on a daily basis and that they have been monitoring the ticket counters as well. Contrary to Thapa’s claim, the ticket counters in places like Kalanki, Gongabu Bus Park, Sundhara, Dhapashi, Gaushala, Chabahil and Koteshwor are full of so-called agents, approaching the prospective ticket buyers, and whispering in their ears if they wish to buy tickets to anywhere. And, of course, the price they quote is inflated. The police personnel stationed at the help desks, meanwhile, seem unaware of these scalpers’ presence.

होटलबाट एक जोडी पक्राउ

म्याङ्लुङ्ग: तेह्रथुम सदरमुकाम म्याङ्लुङ्गको एक होटलमा यौनजन्य गतिबिधि गरिरहेको अवस्थामा प्रहरीले बिहिबार साँझ एक जोडीलाई पक्राउ गरेको छ। प्रहरीले म्याङ्लुङ्गको निलकमल होटलको कोठाभित्र यौनजन्य गतिबिधि गरिरहेको अवस्थामा एक जोडी युवा युवतीलाई पक्राउ गरेको हो। 
बिशेष सूचनाको आधारमा होटलमा छापा मार्दा युवा युवतीलाई रंगेहात पक्राउ गरिएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयले जनाएको छ। होटलमा छापामार्दा करिव २५ बर्षिय युवक र २३ बर्षिया युवतिलाई आपत्ति जनक अवस्थामा पक्राउ गरिएको प्रहरी नायव उपरिक्षक बिदुर गौतमले बताए। पक्राउ परेका युवायुवतिको नाम भने प्रहरीले खुलाएको छैन।

पक्राउ परेका युवकको घर बिराटनगर र युवतिको भने तेह्रथुम जिल्लामै रहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ। यता होटल संचालक प्रेम राईले भने होटलको कोठा बुक गरी बसेका युवकले कति खेर युवतिलाई ल्याएर राखेको आफुहरुलाई थाहा नभएको बताएका छन् ।

प्रहरीले एक साता अघि म्याङ्लुङ्ग बजारकै काजोल होटलबाट पनि एक जोडिलाई आपत्ति जनक अवस्थामा पक्राउ गरेको थियो। जिल्लाका विभिन्न बजारहरुमा खुलेआम रुपमा यौन व्यवसाय संचालन भैरहेको सूचना आएकाले होटलहरुमा छापा मार्न थालिएको प्रहरी नायव उपरिक्षक गौतमले बताए। 

६ जिल्ला गाँजाको उच्‍च जोखिममा

काठमाडौं : मकवानपुर, उदयपुर, सुनसरी, सिराहा, पर्सा र बारालाई गाँजा उत्पादनका हिसाबले जोखिमपूर्ण जिल्लामा राखिएको छ। प्रहरीको लागूऔषध नियन्त्रण ब्युरोले ६५ जिल्लामा गरेको अध्ययनले ती ६ जिल्लामा व्यावसायिक रूपमा गाँजा खेती गरिएको देखाएको छ।
 यसै आधारमा ती ६ जिल्लालाई जोखिमपूर्ण समूहमा राखिएको हो। ब्युरोले तीन महिना लगाएर (जेठ, असार र साउन) अध्ययन गरेको थियो। 
गाँजा फडानी गर्ने क्रममा सम्बन्धित क्षेत्रका बासिन्दा र प्रहरीबीच झडपको स्थिति उत्पन्न भएको ब्युरोका एसएसपी रणबहादुर चन्दले बताए। बर्सेनि गाँजा फडानी गरिए पनि गाँजाखेतीमा कमी नआएको निष्कर्ष ब्युरोको छ। 
अध्ययनले मोरङ, महोत्तरी, कपिलवस्तु, धनुषा, सप्तरी, रौतहट, खोटाङ, बागलुङ, धादिङ, बझाङ, बाजुरा, चितवन, रोल्पा, रु कुम, नवलपरासी, सर्लाही, दाङ, बाँके र बर्दियालाई 'गाँजा प्रभावित क्षेत्र' देखाएको छ। 
अध्ययनअनुसार 'कम प्रभावित' जिल्लामा कञ्चनपुर, कास्की, धनकुटा, रूपन्देही, कैलाली, कपिलवस्तु, स्याङ्जा, तनहुँ, झापा, दार्चुला, म्याग्दी, सिन्धुपाल्चोक, डँडेल्धुरा, काभ्रे, बर्दिया, सुर्खेत र रसुवा छन्। 
अध्ययनअनुसार मकवानपुर, उदयपुर, सुनसरी, सिराहा, पर्सा र बारालाई गाँजा उत्पादनका हिसाबले जोखिमपूर्ण जिल्लामा परेका छन्।  बर्सेनि गाँजा फडानी गरिए पनि गाँजाखेतीमा भने कमी आएको छैन।  
मकवानपुर त अफिम उत्पादन हुने र यसबाट बढी प्रभावित जिल्लाका रूपमा पनि अगाडि देखिएको छ। अध्ययनले रौतहट, बारा, उदयपुर, पर्सा, सिराहा, सुर्खेत र रुकुमलाई अफिमबाट प्रभावित तथा सल्यानलाई कम प्रभावित जिल्लाका रूपमा देखाएको छ। कारोबारीले गाँजालाई चरेस र अफिमलाई हेरोइन बनाउन प्रयोग गर्दै आएका छन्। उनीहरूले गाँजा उत्पादन क्षेत्रमा गएर बाली नै खरिद गर्दै आएका छन्। 
गाँजा सुकाएर चिप्पड बनाएपछि प्रशोधन गरेर रासायनिक पदार्थ मिसाई चरेस बनाउने गरिन्छ। अफिमको चोपलाई सुकाएर प्रशोधन गरी हेरोइन बनाइन्छ। 
चन्दका अनुसार प्रहरीले २०७० वैशाखदेखि गत साउनसम्म १८ हजार ४० किलो गाँजा बरामदसँगै ११ जिल्लामा गाँजाखेती नष्ट गरेको छ। सबैभन्दा बढी मकवानपुरमा मात्रै ८७ बिघा दुई कठ्ठा जमिनमा लगाइएको गाँजा नष्ट गरिएको जानकारी उनले दिए। 
यसैगरी काठमाडौंमा ३२ रोपनी, रामेछापमा २५ रोपनी, उदयपुरमा सात सय ४४ रोपनी, सुनसरीमा पाँच बिघा १९ कठ्ठा, सप्तरीमा दुई कठ्ठा, सिराहामा तीन बिघा १४ कठ्ठा, बारामा १४ कठ्ठा, पर्सामा नौ कठ्ठा, चितवनमा ६ कठ्ठा र धनकुटामा एक रोपनी आठ आना दुई पैसा जग्गामा लगाइएको गाँजा नष्ट गरिएको छ। काठमाडौंबाहेक अन्य जिल्लामा बिक्री गर्ने उद्देश्यले नै यसको खेती लगाउने गरेको पाइएको चन्दले बताए। 
सोही अवधिमा मकवानपुरमा २३ बिघा १९ कठ्ठा १० धुर, रौतहटमा पाँच कठ्ठा, बारामा एक बिघा ६ कठ्ठा ९ धुर र पर्सामा पाँच धुर जग्गामा लगाइएको अफिम फडानी गरिएको ब्युरोले जनाएको छ। 
नेपालमा उत्पादित गाँजा र त्यसबाट बनाइएको चरेस सडक मार्ग हुँदै भारत र चीनमा पुग्छ। त्यस्तै हवाईमार्ग भएर जापान, हङकङ, थाइल्यान्ड, युरोपलगायत मुलुकमा पनि पुग्ने गरेको छ। 

वादी महिलाले यौन व्यापार अझै छाडेनन्

धनगढी: आयआर्जन गर्ने कुनै अवसर नपाएपछि कैलाली जिल्लाका वादी समुदायका कतिपय महिला भारतका सहरमा गएर देह व्यापारमा लाग्न थालेका छन् । वादी समुदायका महिलाले जीविकोपार्जनका लागि बाध्यत्मक रुपमा यौन पेसा गर्दै आएकोमा सरकारले विसं २०६५ मा यो समुदायले यौन पेसा गर्न नपाउने भन्दै त्यसको अन्त्यको घोषणा गरेको थियो ।
गाँस, बास र कपासको उचित व्यवस्था गर्न माग गर्दै काठमाडौँमा वादीद्वारा गरिएको आन्दोलनको फलस्वरुप सरकारले यौन पेसाको अन्त्यको घोषणासहित उनीहरूको पुनःस्थापना गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता गरेको थियो । यौन पेसाको अन्त्यको घोषणा गरिएको भए पनि उनीहरूको उचित पुनःस्थापनाको व्यवस्था हुन नसक्दा अहिले कतिपयले विभिन्न बहानामा भारतमा गई देह व्यापार गर्ने गरेको पाइएको वादी समुदायका अगुवा बताउँछन् ।
यो समुदायका युवती तथा महिलालाई उनीहरूकै आफन्तले भारतमा लगेर देह व्यापारमा लगाउँछन्, वादी समुदाय उत्थान विकास समितिका निर्देशक शिविराज रानाभाडले भने “यौन पेसाको अन्त्यको घोषणापछि प्रभावकारी रुपमा वादीको पुनःस्थापनालगायतको व्यवस्था हुन नसक्दा कतिपय वादी युवती तथा महिला भारतमा गएर देह व्यापारमा लाग्न बाध्य भएका हुन् ।” 
जग्गा खोजेर वादीलाई पुनःस्थापना गराउने अधिकार सरकारले विकास समितिलाई नदिएको कारण अधिकांश वादीको उचित पुनःस्थापना हुन सकेको छैन । फलस्वरुप उनीहरू अझै पनि बाध्यत्मक यौन पेसामा लागेको देखिएको उनको भनाइ छ । उपचार गराउने बहानमा वादीका युवती तथा महिलालाई उनीहरूका आफन्तले भारतमा लगेर देह व्यापार गराई धन कमाउन लगाउने गरेको बताइएको छ ।
समाजमा घृणित पेसाका रुपमा लिइने यौन पेसाको अन्त्यको घोषणा गरिएपछि समाजमा केही हदसम्म यो पेसामा कमी आएको देखिए पनि लुकिछिपी रुपमा अझै पनि कतियले यो पेसा अपनाएर जीविका चलाउँदै आएका छन् । यौन पेसा अन्त्यको घोषणसँगै “पहुँचवाला र टाठाबाठाले अवसार पाएको तर पहुँचमा पुग्न नसक्नेको अवस्था ज्यूँका त्यूँ रहेको देखिएकाले वादी समुदायका समस्या अपेक्षाकृतरुपमा समाधान हुन नसकेको समितिका सदस्य अर्जुन नेपाली वादीले बताए । 
  “नम्बरी जग्गा भएकालाई जनही रु १५ हजारसहित बस्नको लागि घरसमेत निर्माण गरिदियो, नेपालीले भने – तर जग्गा नभएकाको पुनःस्थापना हुन नसक्दा उनीहरूमध्ये कतिपय भारत पलायन भएर देह व्यापारमा लाग्न बाध्य भएका छन् ।”  भारत गएर देह व्यापार गर्न बाध्य हुनेमा १३ वर्षदेखि ४० वर्ष उमेरका युवती र महिला रहेका बताइएको छ । कैलाली जिल्लाबाट मात्रै झन्डै २८ जना युवती तथा महिला देह व्यापारका लागि भारत पलायन भएको जनाइएको छ । 
अल्पसङ्ख्यक र सीमान्तकृत वादी समुदायको जनसङ्ख्या नेपालमा ३८ हजार ६०३ रहेकोमा कैलाली जिल्लामा मात्रै झन्डै दुई हजार ८०० रहेको बताइएको छ । जिल्लाको मुढा, सत्ती, दिव्यपुर, विष्नुकान्तिपुर, भल्का, गिदनियामा यो समुदायको बसोबास रहको छ । 
वादी समुदाय उत्थान विकास समितिले यो समुदायका व्यक्तिका लागि विभिन्न सीपमूलक एवम् स्वरोजगारमूलक तालिम सञ्चालन गरिरहेको छ । यसबाहेका सरकारले घर आवास कार्यक्रम पनि सञ्चालन गरेको छ । नेपालमा बाइसे र चौबिसे राज्य भएको समयमा राजा रजौटाले नाचगान गरेर मनोरञ्जन गर्ने गाराउने उद्देश्यले भारतको बैशाली राज्यबाट वादी समुदायका व्यक्तिलाई नेपालमा भित्र्याएको बताइन्छ । 
नाचगान गरेर राजा रजौटालाई मनोरञ्जन प्रदान गर्ने, मादल बनाउने, माछा मार्ने यो समुदायको मुख्य पेसा रहेको भए पनि विस्तारै समाजका सभ्रान्त एवम् हुने खाने परिवारका व्यक्तिले गर्ने गरेको शोषणको फलस्वरुप यी समुदायका महिला बाध्यत्मक यौन पेसामा लागेको वादी समुदाय उत्थान विकास समितिका कार्यकारी निर्देशक रानाभाँड बताउछन् ।  नेपालको कैलालीसमेत दाङ, रुकुम, डोटी, कालिकोट, दार्चुला, कास्कीलगायतका जिल्लामा यो समुदायको बसोबास रहेको छ । 

Everest climbing season in disarray after deaths

Nepal's attempts to salvage the Mount Everest climbing season took another hit Friday as more Sherpa mountain guides packed and left the base camp for their village homes a week after the deadliest disaster on the world's highest mountain.
It also snowed Thursday night, and by Friday morning a layer of snow covered the tents and rocky surface of the base camp. There was also a small avalanche Thursday near the spot where the big one swept through a week ago, but no one was in the area.
EverestBishnu Gurung, who is at the base camp, said he saw several yaks come to the camp early Friday and were being loaded with tents, equipment, supplies from the expedition teams. Some Sherpa guides also left with their backpacks.
While the season has not been officially canceled, guides and Sherpas said it appeared increasingly unlikely that any summit attempts would be made this season from the Nepal side of the 8,850-meter (29,035-foot) mountain.
"Many of us think this year is not good for climbing and nobody should be going up the mountain at all," Tenzing, a 23-year-old Sherpa who goes by one name, said in a telephone interview from base camp. He described 2014 as a "black year" for Everest .
"It was bad beginning to the climbing season and it should not get worse," he said.
The April 18 avalanche has laid bare deep resentments over Sherpas' pay, treatment and the disproportionate risks they take to help tourists ascend Everest . Dozens of Sherpas have packed up their gear and left the mountain, saying they want to honor the dead and pressure the government to protect their rights.
Adrian Ballinger, founder and head guide of Alpenglow Expeditions, said he and most other guide operations on the mountain decided to pull out late Wednesday.
"We all made the decision that it wasn't worth going against our Sherpas' hearts," he said, adding that he canceled out of respect for the Sherpas on his team.
A government delegation met with Sherpas at base camp Thursday in an attempt to persuade them to keep working. Although both sides said the meeting calmed tensions somewhat, there was no sign that it would salvage the season.
At least six expedition companies have canceled their climbs for 2014.
After Thursday's meeting, Tourism Minister Bhim Acharya, who led the government delegation, said the Sherpas assured him that "there will be no trouble."
"The ones who want to leave will leave and those who want to continue climbing would not be stopped or threatened," he said.
Still, the practical outcome of the meeting remained unclear. The Sherpas have no single leader who makes decisions.
For some Sherpas who believe the mountain has near-mystical powers, the deaths, and the fact that three of the bodies still have not been found, mean the climbs should be canceled.
"The signs say we should not continue," said Tenji Sherpa, a 30-year-old guide, speaking from base camp.
Most attempts to reach Everest 's summit are made in mid-May, during a brief window of better weather. Without the help of the Sherpas, the tiny Himalayan community that has become famous for its high-altitude skills and endurance, it would be nearly impossible for climbers to scale Everest . Many climbers will have to forfeit most or all of the money they have spent to go up the mountain — $75,000 or more.
There were still ways to get up Everest , however. Chinese mountaineering officials said summit attempts were going ahead from their side of the mountain.
Nepal's government has been heavily criticized for not doing enough for the Sherpas in the wake of last week's disaster.
Immediately after the avalanche, the government said it would pay the families of each Sherpa who died 40,000 rupees, or about $415. But the Sherpas said they deserved far more — including more insurance money, more financial aid for the victims' families and new regulations to ensure climbers' rights.
Nepal's government appeared to agree Tuesday to some of the Sherpas' demands, such as setting up a relief fund for those who are killed or injured in climbing accidents, but the proposed funding fell far short of the demands.

Upper Tamakoshi Hydel: Project reaches next milestone Construction of tailrace tunnel over for 456MW plant

-DOLKHA, SEP 26 - In another major breakthrough, the construction of the tailrace tunnel—which discharges water from the power house—of the 456 megawatt Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Project was completed on Thursday.
Estimated to cost Rs 35.29 billion, it is the biggest hydropower project commissioned through mobilisation of the country’s indigenous capital. The government, financial institutions and public enterprises, including Nepal Telecom, Employees Provident Fund, Rastriya Beema Sansthan, and Citizen Investment Trust have invested in the project.
“This is the second breakthrough for the project,” said Ganesh Neupane, the UTHP spokesman. “The contractor had been constructing the 3km-long tunnel from two ends and they completed the work on Thursday morning.”
With that, 69 percent of the overall work of the project has been over. One of national pride projects, Upper Tamakoshi is expected to be completed by July 2016.
“We are on course to complete the project on time,” said Ne
upane. According to him, works on headrace tunnel are also moving swiftly, with 2,650 metres remaining to be dug.
After several failed attempts, Chinese contractor Sino Hydro Corporation subcontracted the work to another Chinese firm with an experience of digging a 900m vertical shaft in China.
Neupane said the Chinese contractor is making a rapid progress on the 372-metre vertical shaft of the tunnel.
Under pressure from the project to complete the headrace tunnel within five months, the Sino Hydro has since hired Indian company Alimak to dig the remaining 310 metres of  the lower penstock shaft.
Some 82 percent of the civil and 30 percent of hydro mechanical works are said to have been completed. 
While distributors have been fixed in five out of the six units in the power house, three of them have already been put to the pressure test. “Now, we’re ready to place the turbines in the powerhouse,” said Neupane.

Curbing Passport Forgery: 84,000 lost passports on Interpol site

-KATHMANDU, SEP 26 - Stepping up its crackdown on passportdefaulters , the Department of Passport has put details of 84,000 lost passport s—both handwritten and machine readable—on the Interpol website with help from the Nepal Police.
The list includes reports of lost passport s from December 26, 2010 till last month. The details include bearer’s name, passport number, authority that issued it, issue date and the validity period.
Some 500 of the complaints are about lost machine readablepassport s. Nepal started issuing MRPs on December 26, 2010.
passport that bears the lost number is illegal and its carrier faces consequences. The immigration law requires the seizure of suchpassport s while the bearers are fined or jailed.
The Interpol has a separate wing for Stolen and Lost Travel Documents. The website of the Passport Department updates the list of passport s replaced by the District Administration Offices and Nepali missions abroad on a regular basis. The department also uses its own database for the purpose.
“We will continue to update the lost passport list for Interpol to discourage people from seeking passport s repeatedly”, said Sharad Raj Aryan, director at the Passport Department.
Officials said that during the transition between manual passport and MRPs, several thousand travel documents were issued on the basis of the recipients’ claim of loss. In some cases, an easy access to citizenship has added to the complexity of the matter. Citizenship is the major basis for issuing a passport in Nepal where no police verification of the applicant is necessary.
The department has a dedicated counter on its premises for people to re-apply when their passport s are lost. In case of a lost MRP, one needs to pay Rs 15,000 besides producing other requirements such as police report and a copy of the notice of loss published in a national daily.

हस्तान्तरणको एक महिनामै बग्यो पुल

गुलरिया, आश्विन ७ - 
बबई नदीको सानोश्री कुसुम्बाघाटमा निर्मित झोलुङ्गे पुल हस्तान्तरण भएको एक महिना नबित्दै बाढीले बगाएपछि तीन गाविसका करिब ८० हजार बासिन्दालाई आवागमनमा समस्या भएको छ । पुलको मुख्य स्तम्भ नदी कटानमा परेपछि निर्माण पूरा नहुँदा उच्च जोखिममा थियो । स्थानीयले विरोध गरे पनि निर्माण कम्पनी र डोलीडार विभागको लापरवाहीले पुल निर्माण सम्पन्न गरेको भन्दै हस्तान्तरण भएको थियो । हस्तान्तरणको २९ दिनमै गत साउन ३० गते आएको बाढीले पुल बगाएको हो । 

पदनाहा, बनियाभार, मगरागाडीलगायत गाविस र सदरमुकाम आवागमन सहज बनाउन सरकारले उक्त पुल निर्माण गरेको हो । रुकुमको एमपी कन्सट्रक्सन कम्पनीले १ करोड ५९ लाखको लागतमा उक्त पुल ०६९ सालमा निर्माणको ठेक्का लिएको हो । डोलीडार विभागअन्तर्गत सस्टेन्सन बि्रज डिभिजन कार्यालय ललितपुरबाट दुई वर्षभित्र काम सम्पन्न गर्ने लक्ष्य लिएको उक्त कम्पनीले गत वर्ष नै पुल निर्माण गर्नुपर्ने सम्झौता थियो । सामुदायिक वन भएका कारण विवाद मिलाउँदा ढिला भई ढिलो निर्माण भएको थियो ।

एमाले नेता पूर्ण शर्माले नदी कटान भएको जोखिमस्थानमा जबर्जस्ती निर्माण गरिएकोले स्थानीयले अहिले सास्ती भोग्नुपरेको बताए । 'नदी नियन्त्रण हुन नसक्ने स्थानमा जबर्जस्ती गिट्टी, ढुङ्गा भरेर हस्तान्तरण भयो,' उनले भने, 'दुबैतिरबाट नदीले कटान गरिसकेकोले पटकपटक विरोधका बाबजुत निर्माण गरियो । जुन दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण थियो ।' पुल वरिपरि १ सय २८ मिटर तटबन्ध गरिनुपर्ने निर्माण कम्पनीका प्रतिनिीध निबन्ध वलीले बताए । तटबन्ध गर्दागर्दै बाढी आएको उल्लेख गर्दै उनले भने, 'वर्षेनी नदी कटान हुँदै आएको क्षेत्र भएकाले पुल बचाउन सकिएन ।' 

नदी नियन्त्रण पक्की नभएसम्म कटानले पुलको भविष्य खतरा भएको जानकारी पटक-पटक सम्बन्धित निकायलाई दिंदा पनि कसैले वास्ता नगरेको स्थानीय शंकर थारूले बताए । २ सय ८० दशमलव ६० मिटर लामो झलुङ्गे पुल असार मसान्तमा सम्पन्न गरि आवागमन खुला गरिएको थियो ।